Using your imagination to do great things.

Our imagination allows us to do more than just daydream. It can spark new and fantastic ideas. The imgaination  helps us visualise ourselves achieving the next goal in our lives.

It’s something we depend on every day, whether we’re faced with an issue at work or deciding what ingredients to include for dinner. But have you ever wondered how your imagination works?


Like many functions of the human mind, scientists still don’t fully understand imagination. Some would say that the imagination involves a network that helps share information across different regions of the brain. These different regions all work together to form mental images in our head. Researchers found that as many as 12 different brain regions are involved when people imagine rotating a object in their mind. When you use your imagination, you’re really firing up a tremendous amount of brainpower!

Scientists state that the same parts of the brain involved in understanding the world around us are involved in creating mental pictures, meaning that what we imagine is shaped by what we see all the time.

There are three certain factors that guide how we imagine:

  • our environment
  • our memories 
  • how we understand the world works


What does this mean for you and your business? Drawing upon past knowledge and experience is what allows us to find new solutions to problems we face every day. It’s how we come up with new business ideas, visualise unique ideas, invent new systems and products. In short, generally create. In addition to being able to solve problems and come up with new ideas, there are countless benefits of having an active imagination.

Imagination can also help us visualise where we want to be in the future as we set out to achieve goals in life and for our business.

You can’t create a plan of action or set a goal without being able to picture yourself achieving it.

One study showed that being able to imagine a scene helps us plan the steps we need to take to reach a goal.


Imagination is a basic element of being human. It can manifest in multiple ways and feel more tangible at certain times, but it’s always there and can provide a big boost to your well-being and your creativity. If you find yourself in need of a good imagination session, but are finding it tough to get going. here are some ways to kickstart your imagination into life.

1: Try not to focus too hard on trying to locate your imagination.                                       Putting too much pressure on yourself to imagine may actually inhibit your ability to find what you are looking for.

2: Take your time and be kind to yourself.                                                                              Better to take a little bit of time to unwind and let your thoughts naturally arrange themselves until you feel relaxed and comfortable. Let your mind wander to attract that unconscious part of your brain, which you can tap into your imagination and set you on your way.

3: Hold onto the thoughts that enter your mind.                                                                     Mentally adapt them into a story or picture in your imagination. Sometimes the best thoughts just needs a little unlocking.

It just takes a little practise but the results are amazing.

Imagine Projects will carry out an imaginative project, at an affordable cost so you can spend your time growing your business.